Reshni’s family

€ 483 ingezameld van €800.
60% behaald met 24 donaties!

I would like to raise money for the family of Reshni!.He had many friends and made a lot of tourist happy by showing his beautiful country and culture!

Unfortunately  Reshni has had a terrible accident and died..... some people around the world connected and wondering if we could do something for his family!  He was the only one in the family who could provide for money!  His mother has already lost a son and the 3rd brother is disabled. His mother is a lovely women with a big but broken heart! There will be no money for a decent life. In order to reduce her loss,  we would like to raise some money for her and her son to give them a little financial support for food and the funeral! Just for a few months would be enough, we cannot solve the problems, but we can help to reduce them. Reshni would really appreciate this and maybe will give him some peace knowing that we take care of her🙏🏼

රෙෂනිගේ පවුලට ජනගහන මුදලක් ලබා දෙන්න මම කැමතියි! ඔහු එකම පිරිවැය ජයග්රාහකයා විය! ඔහුගේ මව දැනටමත් පුතෙක් අහිමි වී ඇති අතර දැන් ඇයගේ එකම (ආබාධිත) පුතා සමඟ පමණක් විය යුතුය! එයාගේ අම්මා ලොකු, බිඳුණු හදවතක් ඇති කාන්තාවක්! යහපත් ජීවිතයක් සඳහා මුදල් නැත. අලාභය අඩු කර ගැනීම සඳහා ඇය සහ ඇයගේ පුත්රයා වෙනුවෙන් යම් මුදලක් ලබා දීමෙන් මම එය අඩු කිරීමට කැමතියි. රෙහ්නි ඇත්තෙන්ම මෙය අගය කරන අතර, සමහර විට සාමය ලබා දෙනු ඇත!




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Gestart door: Kim Duyvesteyn [ contact]
€ 483 ingezameld van €800.
60% behaald met 24 donaties!
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